
Encourage and lead your friends, family, and neighbours to Christ by distributing these spirit-filled tracts.

Made right with God

I am writing this particular tract with a deep desire in my heart that all will come to the true knowledge of God’s way of making people right with Him and then become saved.

Clinging to your way means you have chosen the way that seems convenient for you. I thought God is supposed to be running things in your life but rather you are running things with your

ability. God’s ability is unlimited unlike man’s ability that is limited.


Seek the needful

There are some people who have kept God at the background of their life and then go to Him only when they need material blessings. These are perishable things and they are only for the moment 

(temporary), but there is something that is needful and it is eternal (permanent).


It was for you

Jesus Christ didn’t give up Himself to die for Himself but he gave up Himself to die for you. His death was for your sake, yes... He paid the price to set you free

The Lord Jesus surrendered to the cross for you, God made Jesus, who never sinned, to be the offering for your sin, so that you could be 

made right with God through Jesus Christ.


Return To God

You were created for God's pleasure, to be in a relationship, and also to stay in fellowship with him....


My brother or sister dont be tired and frustrated, there is hope and there is a way out. The way out is found only in Jesus Christ.


The time is Far Spent

We need to wake up from our slumber and become more serious about the things of God. We are nearer to the return of Christ than ever before. If you have chosen to be on the Lords side, it is the side of light and not darkness. It is the side to conduct ourselves properly and honorably....

Don't Be Tricked

Sin can trick you and it is important you know that satan is the one behind the act of sin ( 1john 3:8). Have you ever thought that the people who live sinful lives are having all the fun and enjoying life?...

Which Path are you Treading

Two paths are explained here - the path of the godly (righteous) and the path of the ungodly (wicked, sinner). The question is, which path are you threading? These two sides are different and they don’t operate in the same way....

The Immediate Decision

One day as I was dressing up after bathing, the Lord said to me by the Spirit - Do you know that most people are bothered about where their body should be laid after they die. Some insist their body should be laid in the house they built or in their father’s compound in the village.


Surrender All

Yes that is your body but it is fashioned by God for his glory. He cares about your body therefore glorify God with your body Yes that is your life but it is meant to give glory to God. He cares about you specifically.


There is Healing for You

Good health is paramount to our daily living. Without good health, you cannot meet up with your day-to-day requirements....

The Choice

There is only one choice

Would you like to give your life to Christ?