Free books have been made available to make your walk with God become easier and more exciting because you will discover it is possible to go through life in good health, success and victory.

Walking in Divine Love
In this book, you will discover that God is love and walking in this God's love is our identity as God's children. Walking in divine love is an antidote to strive, selfishness and hatred....

Unseen Realities
In this book you will discover that spiritual things though unseen far outweighs the physical that can be seen. You will also discover how to change every unpleasant situations by using the spiritual....

Understanding the Dividing Nature of Man
God is Spirit and he has created man in his image and likeness, therefore, man is a spirit, he has a soul and lives in a body. In this book you will discover how to do better in your spiritual life and also understand how the devil and his cohorts operate. At the end of this book, you would have learnt how to become more spirit conscious....

The Way Forward
This book is quite awakening, in it you will discover that you can actually do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you. If you have lost hope in life or you have reached a cross road in your life, this book will raise you up with strength, hope and courage to face life and also do all that God has planned for you....

The Super Life
In this book you will discover the supernatural life that transcend the ordinary life. When you finish reading this book your walk with God as a Christian will become more exciting and easier because you will discover it is possible to go through life in good health, success and victory....

The Name of Jesus and You
In this book, you will discover how the powerful name of Jesus works and why it has been made available for us to use. Also your confidence and boldness will be built up and your faith will grow to equip you to withstand without fear any situation that will present itself before you....

The Glory Within
In this book you will discover it is possible to live a glorious life everyday. Believer's are no longer short of God's glory but rather they are full of God's glory. With the glory of God within life can no longer look down on you, your victory in every trial is assured....

Staying on Track
In this book you will discover it is your responsibility to walk as children of light thereby keeping up with staying on track without distractions. You will also discover how not to indulge your ego at the expense of your soul....

Staying in Divine Health
This book will help you discover and understand the origin of sickness and God's provision concerning healing and divine health. It will also change your mentality and mind set concerning sickness and diseases and then lead you on the path where you know how to take hold of what belongs to you in Christ Jesus....

Righteousness Consciousness and Its Benefits
In this book you will discover that the truth about righteousness is the solid meal you need to mature spiritually. This is not your own righteousness but God’s own rightness been deposited in your spirit and this is what defines you as a Christian.
The effects of walking in the consciousness of the righteousness of God will be unfolded and ignoring to embrace this truth will make your Christianity to become questionable....

Resting As Applicable
In this book you will discover how a Christian should speak, think and see things. You will discover how to handle life from the perspective of God's word because it is your saintly inheritance....

An Established King
In this book "An established king" you will discover how you have been spiritually born into royalty and also inaugurated as king to reign on earth influencing your world.
By the time you have finished reading this book enough truth would have flooded your heart thereby positioning you rightly in your walk with God....
By the time you have finished reading this book enough truth would have flooded your heart thereby positioning you rightly in your walk with God....