DAVID was a man loved by God, the man after God's heart. There are three lessons we can pick from the life of David and they are:
1) David always seeks God's face in every matter. Learn to inquire of the Lord before taking any step. It will prevent mistakes, regret and losses. Again it will make every step or venture fruitful and successful (1Chronicles 14:14, 2 Samuel 2:1).
2) David quickly repents when he fails. Immediately his heart condemns him, he will say O God, I have sinned greatly against you forgive me (II Chronicles 21:8, 2 Samuel 24:10)
3) David’s heart was with God and he always put God first before any other thing. He can't offer an offering to God that cost him nothing (1 Chronicles 22).
Even unto death his heart was still with God. He was so concerned that a proper place be built for God. He gave everything to God - gifts from other kingdoms, gold, silver, bronze, iron and valuables gotten as exploits from war he kept it all for the Lord's house. He was consumed with love for God.
Even as much as David was not meant to build the Lord's house, he made proper arrangement and also encouraged Solomon his son to keep up and build the best for the Lord.
Deuteronomy 11:13 says; So then, obey the commands that I have given you today, love the Lord your God and serve Him with all your heart and with all your mind.